The Duke City Hamfest for 2024



The Duke City Hamfest for 2024 was a HUGE SUCCESS and went far beyond anything and everything that we were expecting!

Our thanks go out to the UNM Continuing Education Center and to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for their assistance in putting together this event. After having been dark for a number of years, we were blown away by everyone’s support. Over 450 people attended over the course of the weekend, which far exceeded our expectations.

Slides and other presentation materials from several talks given at this year’s DCHF are now available online at . Just click on the presentation to get to the abstracts and speaker info. If we have slides there will be a link there as well.​

Whether you were an Attendee, Volunteer, Presenter, Vendor or a combination of any of these, please know that you have our sincerest gratitude as the event couldn’t have been successful without you. And another Thank You to all of the local clubs and individuals who supported our effort with your cash donations. We are now in an excellent position as we start planning to our next production.

Speaking of next year’s DCHF, please pencil the dates in your calendar now:

September 19-21, 2025.

Thank you again EVERYONE and here’s wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season as 2024 comes to a close. We are all looking forward to seeing you again at the 2025 edition of Albuquerque’s Duke City Hamfest.


The Board of Directors of the Duke City Hamfest.


Updated 10/14/2024

Forum Presentation Material is OnLine

Slides to many of the forum presentations are now online. Use the pull down menu item “Forum Derscriptions and Sliodes” or simple go here.

Links to the slides are below each talk abstract.

Updated 9/27/2024

Lost and Found

A few items were found during final cleaup. If any of the items belong to you contact the web master at

Click on the image above for a close up.

Updated 9/22/2024

Banquet Speaker

DCHF is proud to announce that Dr. Richard Sonnenfeld will be the Saturday Night Banquet guest speaker. The topic of his presentation is Atmospheric Electricians

See the Banquet Speaker page for more information

Updated 8/9/2024

DCHF will host a class to earn the Scouting Radio Badge. The class is Saturday all day in room 220. For more information and to register contact Yul Bratcher at

Updated 8/25/2024

DXCC Card Checker(s) will be available at the Duke City Hamfest to review your QSL Cards for DXCC, VUCC or WAS Award Endorsement Applications. Visit the DXCC page for more information.

Updated 8/24/2024

We now have downloadable maps of the of

  • The two buildings hosting indoor DCHF events
  •  An overall parking map
  • Tailgate location and parking information

Visit our map page to get your copies.

Updated 8/24/2024

Free hearing examinations will be available on Friday and Saturday, September 20th and 21st at the Hamfest between the hours of 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM.  The testing will be done by Bosque Hearing and Balance.  You may register for an exam at their sign-in table in the Main Hallway of the North Building.  A $5 donation is being requested. Visit the Bosque Hearing website at:


Updated 8/16/2024

 Outdoor Market Place (tailgate)

The Outdoor Market Place will be much larger than your average weekend tailgate. If you are a seller, you will have a large buyer audience. If you are a buyer you are sure to find something you just cant live without!!!

Visit the registration page if you would like to reserve a selling slot.

Download our market place flyer with more information.

Updated 8/4/2024


We have an awesome major prize lineup.  See a complete list on our major prize page

Our hourly prize lineup is just as great. Our prize coordinator has worked hard enough for us to schedule 2 or more prize drawings per hour.

Updated 8/4/2024


No!  Not that kind of forum. We have a great lineup of forums and classes that should allow everyone to find topics that are both interesting and engaging.

Our forum index is a complete list of presentations along with hyperlinks to speaker bios and presentation abstracts.

Updated 7/20/2024


We will post a complete vendor list soon. Check back often!!!

DCHF Call in frequencies
Courtesy of the Amateur Radio Caravan Club

    • 145.330- pl 100Hz
    • 444.000+ pl 100Hz
    • (Repeaters are linked)

Last updated 9/22/2024