Albuquerque Duke City Hamfest and
Convention Program


 HF University 4.0 EmComm College  Radio Rodeo  VE License Testing  Wouff-Hong SKYWARN®  Hearing Tests  Prizes/Prize Policy  Information for Speakers  Offsite  Outings for the Adventurous   “Las Amigas” Craft Classes

To give you a sense for the depth and breadth of our offerings, here’s what the forum line-up looked like in 2019.

This page will not be included in the final web site

  • Antenna Analyzers that Won’t Break the Bank – Larry Goga, AE5CZ
  • A Deep Dive into the NanoVNA analyzer – Larry Goga, AE5CZ
  • Measuring On-Air Antenna Performance – Bill Mader, K8TE
  • Smith Charts and Your Antenna – Bill Ripley, KY5Q
  • Demystifying SWR – Dave Casler, KE0OG
  • Not-So-Basic Antennas – Kristen McIntyre, K6WX
  • Antennas for Restricted Spaces – Gil Gray, N2GG
  • The Moxon Antenna: How it works and variations – James Duffey, KK6MC
  • Antennas for Portable Operations – Jed Petrovich, AD7KG
  • VHF Contesting, from 50Mhz up – Bill Schwantes, W7QQ
  • 630m Is open, and yes, DXing is possible – Rob Sherwood, NC0B
  • Weakest link in today’s contest station? It’s not receivers – Rob Sherwood, NC0B
  • VHF + Roving and HF Mobiling in Contests – James Duffey, KK6MC
  • Intro to DXLab Suite, a Free Package of DXing Applications – Jed Petrovich, AD7KG
EmComm/Public Service/STEM
  • Public alert and warning: 3 systems, EAS, IPAWS, and WEA; one mission – Mike Langner, K5MGR
  • FlightAware® Program: You, a Raspberry Pi 3/4, and the air-traffic-control system – Kevin Parmenter, KG5Q (no license necessary to participate)
  • Setting Up a Special-Event Station – Garry Blosser, NM5GB
  • SFARES Emergency Communications System – Don Hinsman, N4VIP
  • NM ARES Forum – Jay Miller, W5WHN
  • Effective ways your club can harness ham-radio for STEM education: two perspectives – Bill Mader, K8TE, and Alma Ripley, public-school educator.
  • State of New Mexico’s Public-Service Communications Overhaul – Michael Rohrbacher, KE4VNN
General Interest
  • Getting Started With Radio Amateur Satellite Communications, (demos Sat.) – Dan Eggert, AC9E
  • The Industry Ham Radio Spawned: Commercial Broadcasting – Mike Langner, K5MGR
  • YL/XYL Roundtable – MaryAnn Cornett, NS7X
  • Ham Radio Lingo for the Newly Licensed – MaryAnn Cornett, NS7X
  • Club PR Part 1: Getting Through the Gatekeepers – Pete Spotts, NM5PS
  • Club PR Part 2: Good Images Help Sell Stories (and tips on how to take them) – Pete Spotts, NM5PS
  • The Art of Elmering – Bill Mader, K8TE
  • Straight Key Century Club: In Praise of Artisanal CW, Pete Spotts, NM5PS
  • Explore the world of low-power HF operation with Dr. QRP – Rex Harper, W1REX
  • Good Bye ARRL Official Observers, Hello Volunteer Monitors – Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH
  • Elmering via YouTube – Dave Casler, KE0OG
  • AMSAT® – The Past, Present, and Future, Bill Ripley, KY5Q
  • Tools and Techniques for Successful SOTA Activations, Alan Shapiro, NM5S
  • How to Pass the Ham Exams – Rick Paquette, W7RAP
  • An Elmera, Four Elmers, and Your Ham-Radio Questions – Gil Gray, N2GG, with Paula High-Young, KZ5YL, Bill Mader, K8TE, Ken Samuelson, KS2R, and Pete Spotts, NM5PS 
HF Digital/DMR Radio
  • Hands-on intro to two HF digital modes, FT8 and BPSK31 – Jim Frazier, KC5RUO
  • BrandMeister Takes a Bow – Bob Finch, W9YA