HF University

Bill Mader, K8TE
ARRL New Mexico Section Manager

First licensed in 1960 as WV2RBF, Bill started chasing DX when he became DX in 1974 as KZ5WA. He found contesting a great way to work DX from the Canal Zone, and later Canon AFB NM, especially on 10 meters during Cycle 22. He now chases DXpeditions with a vengeance since Cycle 25 has provided such good propagation.

Bill has been the ARRL New Mexico Section Manager since 2016.

Bill represents the Field Organization for ARRL Headquarters throughout the State.

A member and officer of the Albuquerque DX Association, he helps motivate members to get on the air, regardless of their antennas and equipment. He has worked over 100 countries in a weekend with just dipoles and a vertical and even worked DX running 5 Watts to a mobile antenna!

A prolific writer and presenter on many topics related to Amateur Radio, Bill is an enthusiastic representative of our great avocation.  His primary focus is to train and educate all current and prospective hams in the art of Amateur Radio to become better hams and have even more fun doing what they love to do.

Registration Required

HF University will give you the strategies, techniques, and resources to make contacts beyond the range of the local repeaters. We’ll welcome you to a whole new world of ham radio: its horizons, literally and “figuratively”.

HF University builds on and expands upon HFU seminars. The former are not prerequisites. We’ll provide all students with access to the previous three years’ presentations. You can attend all presentations or select only those which presentations that interest you the most. However, we feel you will get something, probably many things, out of each session.

Our presenter is experienced on a wide variety of ham radio-related subjects and has given talks at DX University, New Mexico TechFest, HamCom, the International DX Convention at Visalia CA, QuartzFest, and numerous more venues. You’ll be treated to professional presentations you will use from that day on. You won’t have any trouble hearing or seeing everything, all day long! All presentations will contain numerous references for your further study.

HF operating opens an unlimited number of possibilities from antenna experiments to passing message for a sailor broken down on his boat in a distant ocean. See what is possible. Bring an HF rig with an appropriate interface and we’ll show you how to connect it to a computer so you can digitally log your contacts. We’ll even point out good deals on HF rigs you could buy at the DCHF.

Questions? Contact Bill Mader, K8TE, Dean of Instruction, at  billamader@gmail.com for answers or just sign-up for HF University at the DCHF web site.

Last Update: 2/4/2025